The step of a manBellevilleEasy sunsetThe embroidererNightly enchantmentConversation in TennoThe melody at night, with youLights of LubeniceEnigmatographyEriceHome sweet homeNew dawnBeyond other (infinite) seasA new dawn is comingMoon and towerRocks, clouds and grassThe construction of lightWhere Pelmo goes to sleepGimme shelterWelcome in my little green worldCadini di MisurinaLandingplace to the blueFoggy dawn in TuscaniaWaveOne minute after darkSaturday readerGods' mirrorA special placeFly me to the moonSassolungo di CibianaFriendshipQuietnessComplicityBeing like a tree in front of a sky coming from another worldNo wind among the trees #2High over the valleyWhen the moon passes behind the treesFloating on a golden seaLiving in the skyNothing around themStasisStones and boatsGute Nacht Doktor FreudOn the hills [colour version]On the hillsDancing after the rainGetting lost between white and blueUh la là!At the mooringLive with optimismWild horsesQuiet along the riverIn an upside down realityA blade of lightAurorafahr'n fahr'n fahr'n auf der AutobahnIn the blue hourEnrico RavaJuneIn a leaden dayQuiet of lightsPastoral calmStraight linesWhile I was listening to GurdjieffUnder the Kaszubian sun